
以前アルコムという英語学習者向けのSNSで Keanuさんのいわゆる「語尾のばし、そして言葉の乱れ」についての日記とそのコメントが面白くて、自分でもいろいろ調べました♪ 何とWikiでは日本語の乱れというページが存在します。
日本語の乱れ - Wikipedia



下記のページですが、副題には気をつけてくださいね。皆さんは大丈夫だろうと思いますが。 その他、ジョークでわざと"造語"を使っていたりもしています。それがけっこう面白いのですが。


17 Misused And Made-Up Words That Make You Rage - BuzzFeed

1. Mayhaps you meant regardless? Irregardless isn’t a word, as fun as it is to say.

2. It rolls off the tongue so nicely, but it’s also not a word. Supposedly is, though!

3. Are you flustered or are you frustrated? You definitely aren’t flustrated because that’s not a real thing.

4. This is a back-formation from conversation. It’s sort of a thing, but mostly it just leads to arguments. Why argue when you can converse peacefully?

5. Random doesn’t mean weird or goofy. It means “without definite aim, direction, rule, or method.” Your outfit is not So RaNDoM LoL.

6. It’s sherbet. And it’s gross.

7. …So that means you do care a little bit? Perhaps you mean you couldn’t care less?

8. Intents. And. Purposes.

9. Please enunciate when you make up words. Or even annunciate. Certainly don’t announciate.

10. It’s foliage. FO-LEE-IDGE.

11. There’s no X in espresso, son.

12. Nauseous means to cause nausea. If you’re sick, you’re nauseated.

13. C’mon, no Z sound!

14. Misestimate or underestimate. You can’t have both. Don’t be greedy. Misunderestimate is a charming Bushism that should be left in the past.

15. It’s a proven fact that everyone has an aunt who says this on a daily basis. The correct phrase is simply vice versa.

16. Nother is nonstandard. Just say another or whole other.

17. It’s meme, like scream. As in, say “me-me” out loud and watch your coworkers scream.



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